Upcoming stuffs
Guess wat, its diablo 4. The 2nd and final part of Chrono Cross is being uploaded right now. After I edit some highlights it will be onto Diablo. Hopefully Ill get 1 or 2 highlight videos up before June 1st.
Me and Eric are gona be playing Diablo 4 on June 1st (yes we paid more and I hate it) and I am going to try to record the whole thing. Lots of Diablo 4 stuff comin to the channel.
Eric will be playing a druid, ew. I am gona be playing a rogue. We are gona try to complete the campaign day 1 cuz thats what we wana do. Uhhh I really don't know what else to type haha but I felt like the site needed some kind of news update thingy.
Beast beast beast