Pi Christmas Star
Yup, another pi pico w project. I bought three picos so I'm messing around with them a lot.
I thought up this project after my sister got a new star for her Christmas tree. It had LEDs in it and glowed brightly. So I immediately wanted to one-up her and the best way to do that was modify a star topper with some WS2812B addressable LEDs. I can use a Pi Pico W to control them and do cool stuff.
All it just consists of 12 of the LEDs wired to a USB A cable. The 5v pad of the last LED goes into the picos vbus (can also use vsys) pin to power it. The USB A goes into a generic 5v 1a power adapter (you should have like 100 of these). I'm using an old apple adapter.
The code is pretty simple. I wrote a somewhat abstract Pi Pico LED class because I imagine I will want to use these basic functions in other projects. The code is so simple its kinda boring so I won't show any. Also the main function is really disgustingly bad so I don't want to show that either. Inside the main function is where the html and webpage stuff is.
This is what the UI to control the star looks like. I didn't add that many functions because I couldn't really think of any.
And the final result: