Coming up uhhh March? 2023 (Updated)
Finaaaallly Elden Ring is all done and edited. Holy shit that took forever wtf.
I am very happy and excited to be working on and editing something else. Coming up next, me and Eric play through Chrono Chross enhanced edition for switch. This edition has a lot of issues and is actually a really terrible hd port of the game, but we didn't know that at the time. We just rolled with it.
I never played this game as a kid but Eric did. He has a lot of fond memories for it and I can see why. All the recording for this is already done, I just need to edit it and put it out, stay tuned.
EDIT: Originally I said this would come in February but I have realized that the footage needs some more fixing in editing. Eric's audio is bad becuase the day of the shoot my extra headset broke. He was using a shitty lapel mic that I had on hand. I need to edit it more to make it sound not 100% horrible. I doubt many will even seen this article, but if ya do im sorry for delaying haha.