The Forest extras Some extra cut content from the halloween special this year. Extras from this video: vid
My Ideal Diablo 4 So after so many years waited, Diablo 4 is out, I played it, and now its pretty much done. I didn't expect to be playing the game for months and months at first launch, so I can't say I'm disappointed. However, I certainty hoped
Part 2 of Chrono Cross now live Doing a little experiment here. The 2nd and final part of our Chrono Cross playthrough is now up on the channel yaaay C:
Upcoming stuffs Guess wat, its diablo 4. The 2nd and final part of Chrono Cross is being uploaded right now. After I edit some highlights it will be onto Diablo. Hopefully Ill get 1 or 2 highlight videos up before June 1st. Me and Eric are gona be playing Diablo 4 on
The Diablo 4 Beta Graphics and Gameplay So I played the beta over the first beta weekend of March 17th. Long story short, it was good. Diablo 4 looks very promising and has a lot of potential. It can't be said for certain that the endgame, which is the most important part,
Cool SoundCloud Music When I was editing all the Elden Ring Adventures videos I had to find some good creative commons music to use in them. I couldn't use all the of cool music I found because sometimes it just didn't fit or it wasn't creative commons.
Coming up uhhh March? 2023 (Updated) Finaaaallly Elden Ring is all done and edited. Holy shit that took forever wtf. I am very happy and excited to be working on and editing something else. Coming up next, me and Eric play through Chrono Chross enhanced edition for switch. This edition has a lot of issues and
Pi Christmas Star Yup, another pi pico w project. I bought three picos so I'm messing around with them a lot. I thought up this project after my sister got a new star for her Christmas tree. It had LEDs in it and glowed brightly. So I immediately wanted to one-up
Import 2022-11-29 19:30 Pumpkin Pi I really like Halloween and year after year I find new ways to really get into the halloween spirit. Some people bake cookies and others put on haunted houses. Me, I like tech. This year I created a talking pumpkin with motion detection and addressable LEDs that light up with
Import 2022-11-29 19:30 I wana talk about content There are few things certain in this world. That can be a good thing and a bad thing. If my content creation had to be certain, I would be pretty upset. Feeling the anxiety and pressure of keeping some kind of content creation schedule would be unpleasant. On the flip
Import 2022-11-29 19:30 My Mom's Minecraft Mansions A few years ago my mother randomly started to watch Pewdiepie on Youtube. At the time he was doing a Minecraft play through. This led to my mom wanting to try Minecraft, and she got hooked. A few years later and she is a mansion building expert. She had me
Import 2022-11-29 19:30 FF10 lightning dodge easy mode There is an optional quest/side mission thing in Final Fantasy 10 in which you can dodge 200 lightning strikes in the lightning plains. The reward is the best weapon in the game for one of the characters, Lulu. There are other rewards for dodging 50, 100, and 150 strikes,
pokemon OgreBeast extras #1 So me and Eric like to play a lot of custom games on Warcraft III. One of our favorites is this game called Pokemon Legends. In this game you collect pokemon, battle against your opponent and defend your trainer. I don't think I can use these clips to
Import 2022-11-29 19:30 Upcoming content (Eventually) Can't get enough OgreBeast? YA ME TOO OuO. As Elden Ring is still being finished up, I thought I could give a sneak preview of other stuff we are doing here on OgreBeast. So here is some upcoming content for the youtube channel. EXCLUSIVELY REVEALED ON OGREDEN.NET.
Import 2022-11-29 19:30 First post Here is some text for my first post that nobody will ever read C: But let's see how the site theme handles this.